Sydney Hunter & The Curse Of The Mayan, uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Abbiamo recentemente pubblicato un video gameplay su Sydney Hunter & The Curse Of The Mayan, disponibile questa settimana su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo platform/adventure di CollectorVision Games, sarà pubblicato il 12 settembre 2019 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €17,90.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato in calce all’articolo.

Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan is an 8-bit action adventure platformer featuring thirteen stages, and is our love letter to the classics.

You play as Sydney Hunter, an explorer who gets trapped inside a Maya pyramid while he is out exploring the region.

Sydney soon discovers that Kinich Ahau (the Maya sun god) and Kukulkan (the feathered serpent god) have broken up the sacred Maya Haab calendar into seven separate pieces, has taken four precious idols, and are hiding them throughout the pyramid.

This all comes during the time of Wayab; the five unlucky days of the year. This has caused great chaos, and time to freeze if the Haab calendar isn’t found and put back together in time.

The local Maya now ask Sydney to go out and find all seven pieces of the Haab calendar, reclaim the important idols, defeat the Maya gods, and bring peace and balance back to the Maya civilization.

In doing so restoring time to continue…

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